Google The Master Detoxifier and you’ll find Glutathione. It’s naturally produced by the body and decreases as we age. It’s bioavailability is very low so most people will get expensive injections. But when I add glutathione powder to delayed release capsules it now gets better absorption.
But wait, there’s more. Getting toxins out of the body is only half the picture. Remineralizing is the other half and ormus powder is the perfect yin to glutathione’s Yang since ormus is made from Dead Sea Salt 🧂, the most mineral rich salt.
This White Powder Gold was made using a variation of the the wet method of making ormus with Natron and Dead Sea salt. Then I simply dry it out in my dehydrator at a low temperature to turn this into an Ormus Powder. I then att 3 parts to 1 pure glutathione powder.
This is very potent WPG and only requires a pinch under the tongue, sublingually.
Glutathione is a tripeptide, or a molecule made up of three amino acids, and is composed of: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that can provide many health benefits, including:
Brain health
Glutathione protects the cells of the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory. It may also help prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
Insulin resistance
Glutathione may help improve insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Parkinson's disease
Glutathione may help improve motor function in people with Parkinson's disease.
Other health benefits
Glutathione may also help reduce symptoms of autoimmune diseases, respiratory disease, and psoriasis.
Glutathione helps the body remove harmful substances, such as pollutants, drugs, and heavy metals. It can also help detoxify the liver from diseases like fatty liver disease.
Immune support
Glutathione helps regulate the immune system and supports white blood cells in fighting viruses and bacteria.
Skin health
Glutathione helps maintain healthy skin and prevent aging by participating in collagen production.
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