To make Colloidal Shungite I started off with structured distilled water that has had shungite in it treating it for 48 hours. With that water I then use a piece of Noble Shungite for the low voltage electrolysis process to make it an even more potent shugite colloidal water just as I make other colloidals.
Known as the "Stone of Life"
Every scientist investigating Shungite, declares it to be miraculous
Shungite is a black stone that is usually shiny and intense in appearance. It has a hardness of 3.5 – 4 and is often referred to as “black carbon”.
Shungite is a natural composition of primarily amorphous graphite (carbon), crystalline silicate particles and other minerals evenly distributed throughout the stone. The carbon in Shungite gives it catalytic abilities, electro-conductivity and chemical resistance. Its complex composition of materials, interesting structure and amazing properties make Shungite quite unique.
Found only in the northern Russian district of Karelia, Shungite was formed about 2 billion years ago. Shungite is composed of nearly all the elements of the Periodic Table. Though it is commonly known that not all chemical elements are beneficial to life forms, a surprising feature of this mineral is that only its health-giving components are absorbed by water. Moreover, experts have reason to believe that water contained in Shungite deposits gave birth to life, because its natural structures and complexes are so similar to those of a living cell.
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Fullerene is a molecule consisting of carbon atoms and is the third after diamond and graphite allotropic form of carbon.
Fullerenes can be of a different type C60, C70, etc., depending on the content of carbon atoms. The most stable and best studied - is the C60, containing 60 carbon atoms.
Fullerene is the only molecular form of carbon, in contrast to the diamond and graphite, which are only crystalline forms with a certain spatial arrangement of carbon atoms in the lattice.
Nature brought together in one object, many contradictory concepts. Fullerene is a link between the organic and inorganic matter. This is the molecule, and the particle, and the cluster. The diameter of the molecule C60 is 1 nm.
If you look inside the fullerene, we find only an emptiness pierced by electromagnetic fields, containing "nothing" - a vacuum enclosed in a carbon shell, as in the original container. And the walls of the container do not allow penetration into it of any material particles (ions, atoms, molecules).
Fullerene molecule can be called a "vacuum bubble", which does not fit the well-known thesis that nature does not tolerate a vacuum. Vacuum and matter are two pillars of the universe that harmoniously united in one molecule.
Fullerene is still a subject of research for the scientists around the world in the field of chemistry, physics and medicine. You cannot eat it (yet!), but you can drink it.
Among the fundamental properties of fullerenes, which are apparent at the level of both cell and whole organism, it should firstly be noted its antioxidant properties which suppress the processes of peroxidation and free-radical oxidation.
Getting in our body, fullerenes behave as the most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant, as a means of fighting with free radicals, so-called oxygen atoms, which lack a single electron, which they greedily taken away from any living cell, the genetic spiral. Antioxidant activity of fullerene in the 100 - 1000 exceeds the effect of known antioxidants (eg vitamin E, dibunol, β-carotene).
Thanks to its acceptor properties, fullerene is able to selectively interact with other molecules, and in water environment to transfer these properties in an orderly layers of water at a considerable distance from its surface.
Fullerenes normalize cellular metabolism, increase enzyme activity and increase the stability of the cell, including its genetic apparatus to external influences (heat, viruses, etc.). The regenerative ability of body tissues increases in its turn.
Fullerenes normalize the nerve processes, influencing the exchange of neurotransmitters, improving the capacity of man and his resistance to stress.
Besides, fullerenes have an explicit anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, thus relieving pain, suppressing the development of many allergic diseases and improving immunity. Fullerenes function even in ultrasmall doses and their effect even after single dose lasts for months.
Fullerenes (also called buckyballs) look like soccer balls—molecular hexagons and pentagons bound together in a hollow cage or tube. They were named after the noted architect, Buckminster Fuller because they follow the same architectural pattern as the geodesic domes he created.
About a billionth of a meter in diameter, fullerenes are incredibly stable. When propelled against a steel surface at 17,000 miles per hour, they literally bounce off. Clusters of fullerenes join diamonds and graphite as the third known form of crystalline carbon. Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Robert Curl and Richard Smalley. Together with Harold Kroto they synthesized these three-dimensional forms of carbon while trying to simulate the high-temperature, high-pressure conditions necessary for the formation of stars. Their discovery won them the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. The natural existence of fullerenes remained unclear until they were verified in deposits of Shungite . . .and since discovered in meteorites and in outer space. In 1991, Science magazine named fullerenes “molecule of the year,” calling them “the discovery most likely to shape the course of scientific research in the years ahead.” Scientists everywhere are researching fullerenes for their technological applications in material science, electronics, and nanotechnology.
The rock deposit found in Russia known as Shungite is the only known natural source of fullerenes on Earth (with the exception of a few meteorites). The rock has been studied extensively by Russian scientists, but only within the last few years has information regarding Shungite reached the Western world. According to Russian research, fullerene-rich Shungite has the ability to neutralize numerous forms of negative energy. It attenuates electromagnetic emissions essentially providing protection from electromagnetic fields. Shungite has been successfully used for many years in Russia to assist patients with depression, trauma, and other emotional and psychological disturbances. Special shungite chambers have been constructed for this purpose.
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